In June 1954, Turing, who was chemically castrated for being gay, stopped breathing after biting into a poisoned apple. The famous mathematician and computer scientist was not tolerated, so you can imagine the social and legal persecution that the LGBTQ+ community faced at the time. Until now there are still a lot of people who can't understand these minorities, here we talk about the LGBTQ+ community, I hope more people can understand and face them squarely instead of with discrimination.
Literacy on sexual orientation and sexual minorities
There are far more varieties of gender and sexual orientation than you might think; there are at least 7 biological sexes and at least 5 social sexes, so there are at least 7*5=35 sexes in total, and there are theoretically at least 35 sexual orientations as well. That makes the theoretical upper limit of combinations of gender and sexual orientation at least 1225.
I expect many people will be confused by the definitions of transgender, gay, and straight, so let me briefly describe the types of gender and sexual orientation.
biological sex
Biological sex is the sex you are born with, and it is not something an individual can choose. There are two general definitions of biological sex: sex chromosome type and sex characteristics.
Sex chromosomes are XX (female) or XY (male) for most people, but there are some that don't fit into either category. For example, the number of sex chromosomes is abnormal: XXY, XYY,XXX,XXYY, etc. In addition to the number of sex chromosomes, there may also be abnormalities in the structure of the sex chromosomes, such as the loss of the short or long arm of the X or Y chromosome, and sometimes the possibility that the chromosomes can not be represented simply by an X or Y. Of course, these sex chromosome abnormalities are rare, and even when they do occur, individuals often still show some male or female sexual characteristics. I don't know much about sex chromosomes, so I'm probably wrong, so feel free to point that out.
Most people actually determine biological sex based on first or second sex characteristics, i.e., the presence or absence of male/female genitalia, a beard, a larynx, breasts, and so on. However, the sex and sex chromosome type derived from the sexual characteristics may not always match exactly. Fetuses may develop with abnormalities that result in an inconspicuous first sex sign, a first sex sign that is the opposite of the sex chromosome type, or a first sex sign that is both male and female. These individuals are generally more distressed and confused as they grow up, and often don't realize their true biological sex until it's time for development or even a physical exam. The likelihood of unreliable secondary sex characteristics is even greater, as individuals vary widely in their genes, the environment in which they grow up, and the events they experience, resulting in very large variations in secondary sex characteristics within the same biological sex group.
Okay, now let's categorize biological sex. First, of course, there are biological males and biological females, and the vast majority of people fall into these two categories. Then, for the sake of discussion, let's call all other biological sexes (including sex chromosomes and sex characteristics) "other". In many places, when you fill in the information, you will see the option "Other" under the column "Sex". So far we have assumed that the biological sex of a person does not change during his/her life, but after all, there are people who choose to be transsexual. There are at least 4 types of transsexuality: male to female, female to male, other to female, other to male (as far as I know there should be almost no people who voluntarily choose to change to the "other" gender). It is important to note that gender reassignment can only be done at the level of sexual identity, not the sex chromosomes. Additionally, these individuals generally identify themselves as the gender they have changed to, but this is in the realm of gender. From a biological sex perspective, they still differ from other biological males and biological females: their sex chromosome types and sexual expression are generally reversed.
To summarize, biological sex can be divided into at least:
- Men
- Women
- Other
- Male-to-female (male sex chromosomes, female sex characteristics)
- Female-to-male (female sex chromosomes, male sex characteristics)
- Other to female (other sex chromosomes, female sex characteristics)
- Other to male (other sex chromosomes, male sex characteristics)
Gender is the sex that a person believes they are and is a form of self-identification. Gender and biological sex can be the same or different, although most people are the same. If a person's biological sex is different from their social sex, they can be called transgender, which is the T in LGBT.
So how many kinds of gender are there in total? Theoretically speaking, gender has more categories than sex, and is also more fluid and uncertain, because the categorization of gender is essentially a social construct, there is no particularly objective and absolute standard, and the categorization of gender varies in different periods of time and under different social cultures. Of course, in order to facilitate discussion and management, we still want to roughly categorize:
- Men
- Women
- Bisexual: to perceive oneself as both male and female.
- Asexuality: perceiving oneself as neither male nor female
- Other: Includes intersex (unlike hermaphrodite, the two genders of intersex do not necessarily need to be traditionally male and female, but can also be some "other" gender), fluid (gender changes and is fluid rather than fixed), gender-questioning (not yet sure of one's own gender), pansexual (having all the genders in one's own life), and also There are many other more detailed categorizations that will not be detailed here.
The 5 categories listed here are just my personal version, and only a few of the more typical ones are given. Different people can come up with different classes, and some versions can come up with dozens of them, each with some differences in one dimension or another.
sexual orientation (e.g. gay)
Sexual orientation is also what gender you wish to have a romantic relationship with. I'm being intentionally vague here because there are two things to keep in mind:
- Are romantic relationships spiritual or physical?
- Does the sex of the other person refer to biological sex or social sex?
Some people's definition of a romantic relationship is purely spiritual, then they should value the other person's social gender more, regardless of the other person's physical gender. Other people define romantic relationships on a purely physical level, then they would probably value the other person's physical gender more. Of course most people should be in the middle.
So for most people, sexual orientation depends on both the biological and social sex of the other person, so there are as many kinds of sexual orientation as there are kinds of sex: 35. Of course, most people fall into two of these categories: the object of preference is male in both biological and social sex, and the object of preference is female in both biological and social sex.
Generally speaking, if one's physical and social gender is the same as that of the object of one's liking, then one is homosexual, and if one's physical and social gender is different from that of the object of one's liking, then one is heterosexual. But here's the question: if one's biological sex is the same as the object of one's liking, but one's social sex is different (or vice versa), does that count as homosexuality or heterosexuality? I honestly don't know. So we see that dichotomies like gay/straight are actually quite rudimentary and very often problematic. Strictly speaking, only those 35 categories where one's gender and the other's gender match are considered homosexual, while the other 34 categories should all be called heterosexual, which is a much larger category than what we usually call "heterosexual".
LGBT community encounters and the status quo of inequality
Even in a country like the United States, known for its tolerance, freedom and human rights, the LGBT community was ostracized and discriminated against until the Stonewall Uprising, when the Gay Liberation Front and the Gay Activists Alliance were formed. But today there is still dissent, and the community is still experiencing unequal treatment.
In 2015, a story about an Indian mother raping her son to correct his homosexuality created a buzz in the world's media. Homosexuality is illegal in India and carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison. As a result Indian families are so desperate for their children to be gay that 'corrective rapes' are carried out within the family on members who are gay. Statistics published by an organization show that there have been 15 similar reports in the last five years.
Many psychologists have mentioned that heterosexual sexual assaults can have an impact on the sexual orientation of the victim, and that forcing homosexuals to have sex with the opposite sex is unlikely to rectify the situation, but instead can cause trauma and stigma. This can have a profound effect on the survivor's health, autonomy, hope for the future and sense of security, and can lead to feelings of despair and suicide.
Even in the United States, where gay marriage is legalized and there appears to be relatively little discrimination against homosexuals, the rejection, bullying and persecution of gays and lesbians has never ceased. 2013 saw the legalization of same-sex marriage in France, and the following year news reports surfaced that the parents of 21 year-old Peter had tried to "exorcise" him in an attempt to change his sexual orientation. Peter's body was later found in a river and initially analyzed as a suicide. South Africa was the first African country to legalize gay marriage, and the law supports the right of homosexuals to adopt and has anti-discrimination measures in place, but does not oppose hate crimes against LGBT people such as Corrective Rape. One man told the Times that lesbians are raped and killed because it is accepted by our society and culture.
According to the South African non-profit organization Luleki Sizwe, dozens of lesbians are raped or gang-raped every week. It is estimated that over 500 lesbians are victimized each year. This particular attack is common, but is often given short shrift and not reported by police and local officials, further discriminating against them. They face more than just violent attacks, often involving severe physical and verbal abuse. Before and during the attacks, they are intimidated and told by their abusers that they are being taught how to be "real women". Some female victims have been mutilated and murdered by their abusers after the beatings, abuse and rape they inflicted on them in the name of corrective rape. In the face of such news and messages, the assumption of being in the shoes of LGBT people and their friends and family can be quite stressful, and can be interpreted as feelings of numbness, anxiety, panic, anguish, pain, and despair! When ridiculing and bullying minorities, including LGBT people, think more about whether you and your beloved family and friends will be next. May people be treated gently by the world.
About coming out of the closet
If you are considering coming out, weigh the pros and cons of this before doing so.
The possible benefits are:
- Being true to yourself is important to many young people today;
- Enhance parent-child relationships;
- Win the understanding of your parents and even other family members;
- Parents can help shield themselves from some of the pressure from other relatives;
- Same-sex couples can be brought home to meet their parents (this is brought up separately because many parents accept that their child is gay but not gay itself, i.e. are not accepting of other gay children);
The possible bad things are:
- Can't change the status quo;
- Complete or partial severance of the father-son/mother-son/father-daughter/mother-daughter relationship;
- To be publicly or partially publicly uncovered and exposed;
- Force yourself to have an emotional crisis with your current same-sex partner;
- (c) Being persuaded, induced or forced to go to apsychiatrist for so-called "corrective treatment";
- Restriction of personal freedom by house arrest or other means;
- Beatings, even to the point of maiming, or constant humiliation, cursing to break your psyche or even lead to suicide;
How to Come Out to Your Parents and Minimize the Harm?
What could be better than having someone identify themselves and letting others know who they really are? The term coming out refers to homosexuality announcing one's sexual orientation, and the current attitude towards homosexuality in many countries is neither against nor in favor of homosexuality, and there are no laws to protect its legitimacy. Coming out is a good thing for yourself, that way you are more free physically and mentally and have nothing to tie you down, but you should consider your family's mental capacity to come out to your own parents if there is the right time to do so. Going back to your question, the good thing is that you are more free yourself and don't have to hide anything, the bad thing is that if your family doesn't understand and you can't get support from your friends, then you will be an isolated person.
- Don't emphasize too much on "I need to come out, it's important for me to do so", you need to make it clear that it's just as important for you that your parents approve of your coming out. Don't put aside their importance and talk about it like a child playing a trick on a candy bar.
- Don't emphasize too much your need for love from your parents, you need to make it clear that it is precisely because you love them too that you are looking for their approval. Interactive love is powerful love, and unilateral transmission without feedback can't make people happy.
- Don't put the matter on display after showing "I am like this, you accept to accept, do not accept also have to accept" attitude, explain can explain, insist on insisting on, compromise the compromise. If you throw a problem, don't be a shirker, the nest is not capable of coordinating the relationship between multiple parties, moderately in and out of the performance is a high emotional intelligence.
- Don't have any kind of begging, LGBT isn't a mistake, you're not a sinner, and besides, it's nothing to be ashamed of. Tell them about your future plans, put their worries to rest, and let them know that coming out to them, and their acceptance, will only make you better off. Even if you're not specific about your future plans, at least point out a general direction and don't act like coming out means the family will lose you.
- In this case, let them play the role of the knower and the receiver, and don't worry about anything else. The more roles the parents play in this matter, the more likely they are to get themselves into trouble if they don't handle it properly. Don't let the parents become therapists, counselors, and sympathizers and self-guilty.
- Give them a little time, after all, it's a challenging thing to do.

Beyond that, I want to remind you of one additional thing. The courage and foundation of love required to come out to parents is self-evident for LGBT people. Coming out to your parents, "kindly", is on the table as an option. This in itself is a huge step forward, and I can't find any reason not to do it, given the fact that people who were previously hesitant to "come out" to themselves are now willing to reveal their true selves to their families. It's just that there are two types of people who can be hurt by this: the parents and the relationship between the members of the family. There may be some people who know what it means when they come out to their parents, and anticipate what specific reactions they are about to face from their parents. But for a significant portion of the population, it is a one-sided door, with no clues to what to expect, and no way to make prior assumptions about the reactions and events that will confront them. If you can't make assumptions yet, then you should at least have some forethought, and be sensitive to the potential for harm, so as to prevent the situation from expanding to the point where it can't be undone. You need to be concerned not only about the parents themselves, but also about the subtle changes in their relationship with you, or even between the two of them, as a result of the coming out event.
LGBT and Sexuality
Learn a very sad fact: sex education programs in the United States assume that the people receiving the information are heterosexual and cisgender. There are virtually no sex education programs specifically geared toward gay men, which results in many same-sex sexual behaviors taking place in a high-risk situation. The threat from HIV has always been present, statistically, gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) account for 67% of newly diagnosed HIV infections in 2021, even though they only make up 2% of the population (HIVinfo) (CDC Stacks).
- Prevention is the best cure. The best means of prevention available is vaccination, specifically the hepatitis A, hepatitis B and HPV vaccines.
- Also using a condom is the best way to prevent transmission, it can block over 90% of the virus from being transmitted sexually, always use a condom when penile penetration is involved.
- For oral sex, it is a relatively low risk compared to vaginal or anal sex, but but certain sexually transmitted infections can still be transmitted through oral sex, so we recommend using Dams during this time. HIV is not transmitted through oral sex, provided your mouth is healthy and there are no mouth cuts or sores or bleeding gums.
- Do not use illicit drugs and alcohol during sexual intercourse; sexual intercourse under such circumstances can easily get out of control and lead to serious consequences. It is essential to have sex with each other in a sober state of mind.
- Understand your own and the other person's sexual and reproductive health, medical check-up habits; understand your partner's safe sex awareness and behavioral habits, and negotiate safe sex on that basis. For example, if the partner is not in the habit of using condoms and is reluctant to do so, it is recommended that other factors be fully assessed before making a careful decision on whether or not to have sex.

LGBT, marriage, family
Despite the difficulties, the statistics and facts are reassuring. As of 2024, 37 countries and territories worldwide recognize same-sex marriage.
- The 1993 case of Baehr v. Lewin in the State of Hawaii, in which the State Supreme Court ruled that the denial of a same-sex marriage license was discriminatory, sparked national debate and lawsuits.
- Goodridge v. Department of Public Health (2003): The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled that same-sex couples have the right to marry, making Massachusetts the first state to legalize same-sex marriage. This decision set a legal precedent that led to additional legal challenges nationwide.
- United States v. Windsor (2013):The Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which denied federal recognition of same-sex marriages. This decision provides federal benefits to married same-sex couples and is an important step toward achieving marriage equality across the country.
- Obergefell v. Hodges (2015):This was a landmark case in which the Supreme Court voted 5-4 to rule that same-sex marriage is a constitutional right granted by the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ensuring marriage equality nationwide.
These cases above have pushed step by step for the legalization of same-sex marriage in the United States. However, another element that is controversial globally is whether homosexual families are fit to raise children? My view is that although pedophilia does exist among homosexuals, gay couples have the right to be parents and the rights of the majority should not be taken away because of a small number of people. There should be good restraints of the law in this, that's why the law exists.
I would have thought this was a controversial issue in the days before laws, but now I think it's a ridiculous question. First things first, why in the world can there be children for adoption? Why can there be orphans? These are children who may be fatherless, dead or dumped, especially abandoned and trafficked, which is ultimately a blasphemy of the reproductive rights of heterosexuals themselves, and when homosexuals take in a child who has nothing to lose or is even given a family by heterosexual parents in exchange for money, it's amazing that anyone would jump to question whether homosexuals can adopt, whether they can Is it not hilarious that when homosexuals take in a child who has nothing of his own and is even given a family by heterosexual parents in exchange for money, that someone would jump in and question whether homosexuals can adopt, whether they can be a substitute for a mother's or father's love?
What is discrimination? It's when problems that are obviously common to all people are magnified in one group of people. Such was the difficulty of early gay adoption, and much of the concern about it stems from prejudice and discrimination, but really, when you look closely at the prevalence of heterosexual families in life, are many of the tragedies, justified by the fact that the parents are heterosexual? Regardless of homosexuality or heterosexuality, as long as the individual, there are good and bad, there are responsible for the irresponsible, this is the nature of the human character, and his sexual orientation has nothing to do with?
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1.How do homosexual couples have sex?
2.Celebrating Pride Month: I Love You. It's Not About Gender